
Cosmic view slumber
Cosmic view slumber

Anyways, I am done for now, I may or may not be back on again within the month. I could just be sitting there, and then BAM. Usually my thoughts have a train, but not when I am tired. I alos seem to be able to type and spell better then more tired I am, maybe because I am having to concentrate harder, I am not sure. If I got plenty of rest the day previous, and it is just late and that's why I am tired, then I am just tired. More like, if I am sleep deprived, then that day I will be thoughtful and deep. Why is it that I am always feeling my most thoughtful when I am at my most tired? Is it my brain trying to stay awake with the last of its energy? Or is it that it has finally shut down all other processes and now can dwell on the things if finds most important in life? Whatever it is, I always seem to try and be deep and meaningful the more tired I get. Maybe someday I will become the person I want to be instead of the person I have allowed myself to become. I flip between both, and I know I need to step up and walk my game home, but I don't know if I ever will. People that want a better tomorrow, but are fine with what they have today, or don't think it can be done. Is that the common malady upon this planet? Not wanting to strive? There is so much wrong in the world today, and it is due to people that have my same feelings. I know I should strive for a better tomorrow, but I often lack the will power when it takes so much energy to survive today. I have become complacent in a second best life because it is easier than trying and failing at something grand. I am forever told that I can be better than what I allow myself to be, but I am not so sure. There are so many things to know and to do, and I will never experience any of them do to limitations of my life that either fate or myself has inflicted upon me. and I am sometimes having a hard time coming to grips with that. SO many questions won't be answered in my life time. Or would become corrupt with the power, and destroy her even more than what has already been done? That is one pondering that will never be answered I guess. Would we become better people, striving to make our world a better place because we must ultimately live here for eternity. I often wonder what it would be like to live forever. We are all specks in its cosmic view of progression. It is a cruel taskmaster, and takes no heed of deed or thought. But alas, time is something no person can fight. It sometimes makes me long for those more innocent times of childhood. So much darkness and pain creeps into a person's life as the mature into an adult. Spinning is her first long form autobiographical work.When does life become so complicated? I remember times of sunshine and joy as if they were yesterday, and now they are mostly fleeting memories on a good day. She also enjoys studying architecture and tries to incorporate that passion into her comics. When she is not drawing comics, Tillie can be found walking and listening to audiobooks or asleep with a cat. She has already received an Eisner Award nomination and two Ignatz Awards for her early works. Over the course of her time at CCS she published three books with the London based Avery Hill Publishing. Born in 1996, she is a recent graduate from the Center for Cartoon Studies, a comics school in Vermont. When she is not drawing comic Tillie Walden is a cartoonist and illustrator from Austin, Texas. Tillie Walden is a cartoonist and illustrator from Austin, Texas. 'Cosmic Slumber' is the perfect title for such a deck - such astronomical, as well as mystical and mythological, images in the art of the cards! Luminous and astral and celestial. This deck is about dreams and the subconscious, in particular about finding your true self, your path and your purpose in the long run, all from within yourself. 'Cosmic Slumber' is the perfect title for such a deck - such astronomical, as well as Another lovely, inspirational, Delphic or oracle-esque, and opal-esque (hey I just invented two O-words!) modern tarot card deck this time by comic artist and cartoonist Tillie Walden, the creator of one of my all time favourite comics, 'On a Sunbeam'. Another lovely, inspirational, Delphic or oracle-esque, and opal-esque (hey I just invented two O-words!) modern tarot card deck this time by comic artist and cartoonist Tillie Walden, the creator of one of my all time favourite comics, 'On a Sunbeam'.

Cosmic view slumber